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News & Events

Preparing For and Navigating College: What Do I Do Next?

Preparing For CollegeThe Hayner Public Library District is offering a question-and-answer session on what college-bound high school students need to do to prepare for college: What tests do I need to take? How do I apply for scholarships? What can I do to make the transition from high school to college easier? How soon should I start applying to colleges? What’s the difference between a 2-year college and a 4-year university? What sort of long-term goals should I have before choosing a college? I’m in a 2-year college; how do I transition to a 4-year college? All of these questions and more can be answered in your quest to continue your education. It is a tricky field to navigate, and having extra information can make a big difference.

Dr. Brad Noble from Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville is the moderator of this session, providing guidance to those who are lost when it comes to college. He can also answer general questions about majors, especially in the hard sciences areas.

Dr. Noble earned a doctorate from Washington University in St. Louis, has won several teaching awards, and has served on many scholarship committees. Since 1996 he has been a member of the faculty in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at SIUE, where he has taught 19 different classes, three of which he developed. He co-authored a successful patent in 2013.

This program is for high school students, current college students, and their parents, or anyone else who may have questions about college. Be prepared to take notes! This program will be held Monday, March 14, 6:00–7:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room at the Alton Square location. Please call 1-800-613-3163 to reserve your spot.

New and Forthcoming Books

New & Forthcoming


Bell-Scott, Patricia. The Firebrand and the First Lady: Portrait of a Friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Struggle for Social Justice
Bongino, Dan. The Fight: A Secret Service Agent’s Inside Account of Security Failings and the Political Machine
Brinkley, Douglas. Rightful Heritage: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Land of America
Bryson, Bill. The Road to Little Dribbling
Burroughs, Augusten. Lust & Wonder
Busbee, Jay. Earnhardt Nation: The Full-Throttle Saga of NASCAR’s First Family
Carson, Candy. A Doctor in the House: My Life with Ben Carson
Chapman, Gary. Married and Still Loving It: The Joys and Challenges of the Second Half
Damour, Lisa. Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood
Dillon, Roxy. Bio-Young: Get Younger at a Cellular and Hormonal Level
Egan, Timothy. The Immortal Irishman: The Irish Revolutionary Who Became an American Hero
Engel, Richard. And Then All Hell Broke Loose: Two Decades in the Middle East
Feinstein, John. The Legends Club: Dean Smith, Mike Krzyzewski, Jim Valvano and the Story of an Epic College Basketball Rivalry
Fields, Douglas. Why We Snap: Understanding the Rage Circuit in Your Brain
Fisher, Carrie. The Princess Diarist
Grant, Adam. Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World Forward
Gregory, Susan. The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss: A Biblical Approach to Losing Weight and Keeping It Off
Harman, Claire. Charlotte Brontë: A Fiery Heart
Hyman, Mark. Eat Fat, Get Thin: The Surprising Truth about the Fat We Eat—The Key to Sustained Weight Loss and Vibrant Health
Klebold, Sue. A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy
Kondo, Marie. Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up
Ludwig, David. Always Hungry? Conquer Cravings, Retrain Your Fat Cells, and Lose Weight Permanently
Martinez, Juan. Conviction: The Untold Story of Putting Jodi Arias Behind Bars

Read more ...

Need Help Downloading eBooks and Audiobooks to Your New Device?

Christmas TabletDid you receive a new tablet this holiday season? If so, be sure to check out an eBook or audiobook for your device! The Hayner Public Library District offers thousands of free eBooks and audiobooks to our patrons through Overdrive and 3M. These titles are available 24/7 by visiting our website. Click on the link below to view helpful instructions sheets developed by our Reference Librarian. Instruction sheets are available for each specific device supported by the Overdrive and 3M eBook databases. 

eReader User Instructions

The Overdrive and 3M databases can be found at our website,, by clicking on the Download Audio and eBooks tab, located on the left-hand side of our homepage. The instruction guides can also be found on our website by clicking on the Help with Your eReader tab, located directly below the Download Audio and eBooks tab. 

The Hayner Public Library District also provides eBook instructional classes. Our next class will be held Saturday, February 6, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Alton Square Library. This class is free of charge but does require registration. To register, call 1-800-613-3163. Please leave your name, phone number, the number in your party, and the type of device you have.

Searching the Card Catalog and Managing Your Library Account Online

Card Catalog DrawersLong gone are the days when you used a paper card catalog to locate an item in the library. Everything is now digital! Click on the link below to view step-by-step instructions for managing your library account online as well as navigating the online card catalog. If you have any questions about using the card catalog or your managing your online account, please contact Mary Cordes, Assistant Director for Circulation Services, at

Click here to view the Card Catalog and Online Account Instructions  (Note: This is a large document. Please be patient as it may take a moment to load/view).

Card Catalog Class Location Change

Please note: The location of the Wednesday, October 14, 10 a.m. class has changed. The class will now be held in the Genealogy & Local History Library, located at 401 State Street, Alton.

SHARE IconDid you know you can search our website for the over 10,000,000 items available for requesting and checkingout? Did you know that your library card account information is available for viewing online—and all of thisfrom the comfort of home? If not, we can show you how.

When accessing our website, you can: renew any items you have checked out, request items from any libraryin the system, see when your items are due, and see if an item is on hold for you, as well as many otheroptions. To help library patrons get started, The Hayner Public Library District’s own Mary Cordes, AssistantDirector of Circulation and Strategic Planning, will give a “how-to” presentation on accessing your accountand the online catalog, teaching you the way to do all the things listed above and more. Even if you know some or all of these things, feel free to attend, because you never know what new information you might learn.

There will be two classes with the same presentation: Wednesday, October 14, at 10 a.m. and Thursday, October 15, at 6:30 p.m., both in the Multipurpose Room at the Alton Square location. Please call 1-800-613-3163 to reserve your spot, since seating is very limited.

Please note: The location of the Wednesday, October 14, 10 a.m. class has changed. The class will now be held in the Genealogy & Local History Library, located at 401 State Street, Alton. 

Community Partnership

Chatroom Barbershop MoreThe Hayner Public Library District recently partnered with the Chatroom Barbershop & More (611 East Broadway, Alton) by providing free books and library bags for their back-to-school free haircut program. In exchange for their free haircut, book, and bag, children were asked to read to owners Charles Chapman or Tiffany Carson. Children were lined up waiting to read their books for a new ’do! The program will continue next year, so check dates and times by calling 618-433-1412.

Hayner Library's Book Nook Online Book Discussion Group

Book Nook PageHave you read a book recently that was SO good that you can’t keep quiet about it? Or have you been in a book slump and can’t find anything good to read? Has a book stuck with you so much that you just need to talk about it? We have the PERFECT place for you! Hayner Library now has an online book club where you can go to get the perfect recommendation or discuss the plot of the latest bestseller. There will be no discrimination against books; any book that you find interesting, regardless of genre, is more than welcome. We can even discuss horrible books and what makes them so unappealing. This amazing new club is located on Facebook (click here to view the page). Everyone is invited, regardless of which library you belong to. Please come and join our discussion! And invite your friends!

Hayner Library Audio Tour Launched

The Genealogy Local History LibraryAfter several years of planning, recording, and editing, we are happy to announce that the Hayner Library Audio Tour is now available at the Genealogy & Local History Library.

The tour includes sections on Hayner Library history, the Hayner family, the original building, our most important works of art, and stories related to the local history displays. You may recognize some familiar voices – WBGZ Radio’s Mark Ellebracht, Professor Brad Noble from SIUE, and Robert Morrissey, art appraiser and proprietor of Robert Morrissey Antiques and Fine Art in St. Louis, lent their vocal talents to us for the tour, as did several Hayner staff members.

We have ten handsets loaded with the audio tour and historic photographs. The handsets are easy to use, with adjustable volume and a printed instruction sheet. The entire tour lasts about an hour but is divided into 18 segments, so you may listen to one or all sections depending on your interests. For patrons who want to learn more about any of the topics on the tour, a bibliography of related materials in our collection is available on our spinning wooden rack. This tour is meant to be a supplement to tours we already provide; Genealogy & Local History Library staff members are still very happy to lead personalized tours for groups interested in our library and history.

Sidewalk Solar Party at Hayner Library Downtown

The SunRemember when you were told not to look directly into the sun? Well, now you can!

With the generous help and time of Eddie Agha, Staff Astronomer at The Nature Institute, The Hayner Public Library District is hosting a Sidewalk Solar Party on October 12, 2015, at the downtown location. Starting at 10:00 a.m., participants will be able to view the sun through a special solar telescope made to view the sun safely. If the weather cooperates, everyone should be able to view the sun and its many wonders, including solar prominences and dark spots. Let Eddie guide you through the special aspects of our great yellow dwarf star, the sun.

As a bonus, an attendance giveaway of solar glasses, one per family, will be handed out. Bring the whole family to see the sun as you have never seen it before! Registration is required at 1-800-613-3163, since space is limited.

New Databases at Hayner

Ebsco DatabasesHayner Library subscribes to many online databases where patrons can find authoritative sources of research materials, full-text articles, and more. Recently, the library has added four new EBSCO databases to help students of all ages. The new databases are Testing & Education Reference Center, and Explora Primary Schools, Public Libraries, and Secondary Schools.

Testing & Education Reference Center: Prepare for tests, plan for college, explore career choices, build a resume, and find job help with this database. You can take practice tests for AP exams, the ACT, SAT, GED, GRE, ASVAB, career tests, and much more. Once you log in, create a username and password to track your progress on tests. Research colleges using the College Search tool, and search for scholarships under Scholarship Search, featuring $8 billion in available scholarships or grants. You can create a professional resume using the Resume Builder module. The career module covers career change, job search tools, resume basics, and more in Virtual Career Library.

Explora Primary Schools; Explora Public Libraries; and Explora Secondary Schools: Find full-text articles on topics for research and classroom assignments with the Explora databases. You have an option to browse topics by categories right from the home page. Categories include: Arts and Literature, Biography, Current Events, Geography and Cultures, History and Social Science, Science and Math, and more. You have easy access to primary source documents, images, and other sources. Other features include Text-To-Speech to read articles aloud to you, and the citation tool, which converts the article citation to the style you choose.

Hayner databases can be accessed by going to, then the link Online Resources. For home access, enter your last name and your Hayner library card barcode to log on.

For help using these databases and others, contact the Reference Department at Hayner Library. We also offer quarterly database classes which are free and open to anyone. Please check the Events Calendar section of our website for the dates and times of our database classes.