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Teen News

Gingerbread House Decorating Contest

Gingerbread HouseDo you love to decorate cookies? If so, this is the contest for you! Come join us at the Community Center on Wednesday, December 14, 2016, for our first annual Gingerbread House Decorating Contest. All participants will be given an array of items and thirty minutes to design their gingerbread house. The winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to spend at the Community Center. Limited space available, so register today at 433-2861.

Monsanto Science Materials: A Complete List

Monsanto Science CollectionThe Hayner Public Library District is excited to announce the availability of Science Resources for Education, a gift from the Monsanto Fund. New DVDs covering biology, chemistry, ecological topics, space, and physics are now available for checkout! Many topics for grade levels K-3 and 4-6 are covered in the series “Show Me Science” and “Science I Need to Know,” among other excellent instructional and informative DVDs. Most DVDs in the above series are 15 minutes in length, appropriate complementary or introductory content for classroom or homeschool use. Young adults, grades 7-12, have access to DVDs from Nova and PBS.

In addition, the Monsanto Fund grant funded 30 science kits for K-8th grades involving many STEM topics. “Learning Science” activity tubs cover a myriad of topics and projects in the sciences, along with “A Simple Machine Lab,” an anatomy model, a stethoscope, and a microscope. Hayner had purchased a set of “Core Concepts” books covering STEM topics last year, and the Monsanto Fund allowed us to complete the series with ten books on physics.

The Monsanto Fund awarded the library $6000 toward the purchase of resources. Feedback from teachers, parents, and library staff contributed to the selection of DVDs and science kits. The DVDS, therefore, contain the most current, up-to-date information available on each topic in this format.

Click here to see a complete listing of all materials purchased with the Monsanto Fund grant.

Books, Books, & More Books

Teen Book Club 24Hey, Teens! Come join Hayner Library’s new “Teen Book Club.” Once a month get together with other teens to share your thoughts and opinions about that month’s read. As always, snacks will be provided. Meetings will be held at Community Center Library. Everyone is welcome! For more information or to get dates, call Shannon at 433-2872.

Teen Movies @ The Community Center

Teen Movie Night 23Come join the fun at the Community Center for our Teen Movie Event. Each month Hayner Library will host a movie at the movie theater exclusively for teens. The movie will be a PG–13 new release. Pizza is on the menu! Movies start at 3:45 p.m. Meeting dates can be found on our website’s Events Calendar. Buses are available to transport after school from Alton Middle School, Alton High School, and St. Mary’s Catholic School. To register, call Shannon at 433-2872.